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Selenium Testing Certification Training Course

Selenium instrument training helps you master this robotization testing tool and come a pukka A4Q Tester. This Selenium training covers WebDriver, Grid, IDE, handling IFrames, cautions, and Modal Dialog box. With this Selenium course, you’ll learn to use supported plugins similar as TestNG Framework, Robot Class, Cucumber, and Gherkin to control your robotization terrain. Get hands- on experience on extensively used robotization fabrics similar as Data- Driven Framework, Keyword- Driven Framework, Hybrid Framework, and Behaviour Driven Development( BDD) Framework. This educator- led robotization testing training online is created by top assiduity experts and allows you to work on real- life assiduity use cases.

Why should you take Selenium Training?

Automation Testing

Automation Testing Market is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 18.0% in the next three years.

Average Salary

The average salary of a Selenium Test Automation Engineer is $94k per year –

Operating Systems

Selenium supports different Operating Systems and Programming Languages which makes it the most desired Automation Testing tool.

Instructor-led Selenium Training live online classes


Course Price at

₹8000/ Year

Weekday & Weekend batches available


We are offering real time selenium automation testing certification training with 100% placement assistence

Selenium Course Curriculum

Java Basics Refresher for Selenium Training Course

Learning Objective: In this Selenium course module refresh your knowledge of Java required for Selenium.sildenafil abz 100 mg 12 stück preisvergleich
  • Features of Java
  • Classes, Objects, Methods, and Constructors
  • Datatypes in Java
  • Types of Variables in Java
  • Basic Operators in Java
  • Control Flow Statements
  • Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
  • Exception Handling Mechanisms
  • Methods and Constructors
  • Decision-Making Statements
  • Looping Statements
  • Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
  • Exception Handling Mechanisms

Selenium and its Components

Learning Objective: Getting started with Selenium and its components. Also, use Java collection framework.
  • Collection Framework (ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, and LinkedHashSet)
  • Map Interface in Java
  • Types of Applications (Desktop, Web, Mobile, Hybrid)
  • Software Testing Methods (Manual and Test Automation)
  • Test Automation Types (Unit Testing, API Testing, GUI Testing)
  • Test Automation Frameworks
  • Test Automation Tools
  • Test Automation Process
  • Components of Selenium Suite
  • Types of Testing
  • Selenium vs. Other Testing Tools
  • Integration of Selenium with Other Tools
  • ArrayList and LinkedList
  • HashSet and LinkedHashSet
  • HashMap

Selenium WebDriver and Locators

Learning Objective: In this Selenium Certification Course module, you will understand the working and architecture of the Selenium WebDriver and utilize different web element locating strategies to automate your test scripts.
  • Introduction to Selenium WebDriver
  • Evolution of Selenium WebDriver
  • Advantages of Selenium WebDriver
  • Selenium WebDriver Architecture
  • Introduction to Web elements
  • Locating Web elements using various Locators (ID, Name, Class Name, Tag Name, Link Text, Partial Link Text, CSS Selector, and XPath)
  • Introduction to XPath
  • Types of XPath
  • XPath Functions and Customisations
  • Locating Web elements using various Locators
  • Absolute and Relative XPath
  • XPath Functions
  • XPath Axes

Interacting with Web Elements and Waits in Selenium

Learning Objective: In this Selenium course online module, you will learn to Locate Web Elements using CSS Selector and implement Synchronization mechanism in test automation scripts.
  • What are CSS Selectors?
  • Locating Web Elements using CSS Selectors
  • Selenium Commands in WebDriver
  • Interacting with Web Elements
  • Performing Actions on Web Elements
  • Checking the Web Element state
  • Types of Waits in Selenium
  • Locating Web Elements using CSS Selectors
  • Selenium Commands in WebDriver
  • Types of Waits in Selenium

TestNG Framework

Learning Objective: In this Selenium online course module, you will learn to Implement TestNG Framework in Selenium Scripts and structurize test cases using concepts such as annotations, grouping, sequencing, and parameterization. Perform parallel tests as well as generate test reports of the executed tests.
  • Introduction to TestNG
  • Installing TestNG Plug-in in Eclipse
  • Rules to write TestNG
  • Annotations
  • Grouping
  • Sequencing
  • Parameterization
  • Parallel/Cross Browser Testing
  • Introduction to Reports
  • Types of Reports
  • Installing TestNG Plugin
  • Executing a TestNG Script
  • TestNG Assertions
  • TestNG Parameters
  • Parallel Testing using TestNG
  • TestNG Reporting

Handling Web UI Elements-I

Learning Objective: In this Selenium Certification online module, you will learn to Handle Alerts, Modal Dialog Box, Multiple Windows, Tabs, and scrolling on a web page. Verify Tooltip using Selenium WebDriver.
  • What are Alerts?
  • Types of Alerts
  • Alert Interface methods
  • Handling Alerts in Selenium WebDriver
  • What is a Modal Dialog Box?
  • Handling Modal Dialog Box using Selenium WebDriver
  • Handling Multiple Windows and Multiple Tabs using Selenium WebDriver
  • Scrolling on a web page using JavaScriptExecutor
  • Verifying Tooltip using Selenium WebDriver
  • Handling different types of Alerts using Selenium WebDriver
  • Handling Modal Dialog Box using Selenium WebDriver
  • Handling Multiple Windows and Multiple Tabs using Selenium WebDriver
  • Scrolling on a web page using JavaScriptExecutor
  • Verifying a Tooltip using Selenium WebDriver

Handling Web UI Elements-II

Learning Objective: In this Selenium online training module, you will learn to Handle IFrames using Selenium WebDriver. Manage Dropdowns and Multiple Select Operations using Select Class and Keyboard/Mouse-based interactions using Actions Class.
  • What is an IFrame?
  • Identifying an IFrame
  • Switching to IFrames using Selenium WebDriver
  • Select Class in Selenium WebDriver
  • Methods under Select Class
  • Handling Dropdowns and Multiple Select Operations using Select Class
  • Actions Class and Action Interface
  • Methods for handling Keyboard and Mouse based interactions
  • Testing Drag and Drop and Mouse Hover functionality using Actions Class
  • Handling IFrames using Selenium WebDriver
  • Handling Dropdowns and Multiple Select Operations
  • Handling Keyboard and Mouse-based Interactions using Actions Class

Selenium Grid and Robot Class

Learning Objective: In this Selenium course online module, you will learn to Deploy a Grid of multiple nodes and browsers. Automate Keyboard and Mouse events using the Robot Class.
  • Introduction to Selenium Grid
  • Selenium Grid Architecture
  • Deploy a Grid
  • Introduction to Robot class
  • Methods under Robot class (KeyPress, Key Release, Mouse Press, Mouse Release, Mouse Move)
  • Implementation of the Robot class
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the Robot class
  • Limitations of the Robot class
  • Running Test Scripts on Selenium Grid
  • Robot Class methods

Selenium IDE and Page Object Model

Learning Objective: In this Selenium course online module, you will learn to use Selenium IDE and implement the Page Object Model (POM) using Selenium WebDriver and Page Factory.
  • What is Selenium IDE?
  • Features of Selenium IDE
  • Selenium IDE Interface
  • Selenese in Selenium IDE
  • Why Page Object Model?
  • What is Page Object Model?
  • What is Page Factory?
  • Advantages of POM
  • Implementing POM using Selenium WebDriver
  • Implementing POM with Page Factory
  • Test Case in Selenium IDE
  • Page Object Model using Selenium WebDriver
  • Page Object Model with Page Factory

Automation Frameworks-I

Learning Objective: In this Selenium online module, you will understand the key Test Automation Frameworks. Utilize Apache POI as well as Data Provider annotation to implement Data-Driven Framework.
  • Introduction to Selenium Frameworks
  • Types of Selenium Frameworks
  • Introduction to Data-Driven Test Framework
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Data-Driven Test Framework
  • Best practices of Data-Driven Testing
  • Apache POI
  • Data Providers
  • Data-Driven Test Framework using POI and Data Providers

Automation Frameworks-II

Learning Objective: In this Selenium training module, you will learn to Implement Keyword-Driven and Hybrid Frameworks. Maintain keyword function library and use the Page Object Model with Hybrid Framework.
  • Introduction to Keyword-Driven Test Framework
  • Uses of Keyword-Driven Test Framework
  • Keyword-Driven Framework Components
  • Advantages and Limitations of Keyword-Driven Testing
  • Implement Keyword-Driven Framework
  • Introduction to Hybrid Driven Test Framework
  • Advantages and Limitations of Hybrid Test Framework
  • Utilize the Page Object Model with Hybrid Framework
  • Implementing Hybrid Test Framework
  • Keyword-Driven Test Framework
  • Hybrid Driven Test Framework with Page Object Model