Performance Testing

Performance Testing is a type of software testing that ensures software applications to perform properly under their expected workload. It is a testing technique carried out to determine system performance in terms of sensitivity, reactivity and stability under a particular workload.

Performance Testing is the process of analyzing the quality and capability of a product. It is a testing method performed to determine the system performance in terms of speed, reliability and stability under varying workload. Performance testing is also known as Perf Testing.

Types of Performance Testing:


  1. Load testing:
    It checks the product’s ability to perform under anticipated user loads. The objective is to identify performance congestion before the software product is launched in market.
  2. Stress testing:
    It involves testing a product under extreme workloads to see whether it handles high traffic or not. The objective is to identify the breaking point of a software product.
  3. Endurance testing:
    It is performed to ensure the software can handle the expected load over a long period of time.
  4. Spike testing:
    It tests the product’s reaction to sudden large spikes in the load generated by users.
  5. Volume testing:
    In volume testing large number of data is saved in a database and the overall software system’s behavior is observed. The objective is to check product’s performance under varying database volumes.
  6. Scalability testing:
    In scalability testing, software application’s effectiveness is determined in scaling up to support an increase in user load. It helps in planning capacity addition to your software system.

Software Testing Course Curriculum

Course Duration:
  1. Max 20 hrs with one tool (Loadrunner or JMeter)
  2. Max 30 hrs with both tool (Loadrunner and JMeter)
Software Testing Course Outline
Topic Will Cover In The Training Program
  • Introduction To Software Testing
  • (Why Who When) of software Testing
  • Levels of Software testing
  • White box & Black Testing (Unit, Integration, System, UAT Testing )
  • QA vs QC vs QE
  • Functional vs Non Functional Testing

Performance Testing Training Agenda

  • Introduction To Performance Testing
  • What is Performance Testing
  • If I am a Performance Engineer
  • Performance Testing Objectives
  • Types Of Performance Testing
  • Why Performance Testing Is Crucial
  • Performance Testing Jargons
  • Performance Testing Approach
  • Deriving Performance Test Goals
  • Performance Test Estimation
  • Workload Identification
  • Types of Workload
  • WorkLoad Modelling Approach
  • Performance Test Tools
  • Performance Test Tools Overview
  • Performance Bottlenecks
  • Introduction to LoadRunner
  • Components of Load Runner
  • Protocols Support
  • Script Development – Virtual User Generator
  • Scenario Creation, Monitoring, Execution – Controller
  • Test Reports
LoadRunner Training Agenda
  • Introduction To LoadRunner
  • LoadRunner Components
  • Virtual User Generator – Scripts development
  • Scripts Development – Correlation, Parametrization, Error Handling etc
  • Controller -Scheduling real time scenarios(Manual/Goal)
  • Controller – Configure LGs, Run Time KPIs, IP Spoofing, Adding Run
  • time Vusers, Online metrics(Windows resource graphs
  • Analysis – Custom reports, errors snapshots etc
  • Reporting – Observations and Analysis
  • Cloud Generators Vs On-Premise Load Generators
  • Server side analysis (explain few real time examples of bottlenecks
Jmeter Training Agenda
  • Introduction To Jmeter
  • Pre-Requisites
  • Running Jmeter
  • Introduction To Elements of Jmeter Test Plan
  • Protocols Support
  • Jmeter Test Plan Process
  • Recording Tests Using Jmeter
  • Handling the Dynamic Server Values
  • Parametrize with Test Data
  • Adding Assertions To The Test Script
  • Building a Monitor Test Plan
  • Remote Testing with Jmeter
  • Running Multiple Scripts With Jmeter
  • Reporting and Analyzing the Results
  • Jmeter Add-ons
  • Best Practices
  • Load Runner Vs Jmeter